New article:


In the Research Ethics Library, you can find a range of articles on different topics relevant to research ethics and integrity. The articles are written by different experts and professionals, and are meant as an introduction to help engender reflection and debate. 

The new article on co-authorship contains a lot of ideas on how to navigate authorship in a research collaboration. It is written by professor Bjørn Hofmann, UiO and NTNU, Gjøvik. You can find it here: Co-authorship

See the "Topics" header on this page for more FBIB-articles, or see all FBIB-content, including cases and more here: The Research Ethics Library

 Updated guidelines on science and techology

Cover of the NENT guidelines with an illustration with long chains of purple  bacteria shaped like uneven spheres.

The National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT) have recently updated their guidelines. The new version is also restructured and the introduction adresses how to cope with research ethics in areas such as climate research and artificial intelligence. 

You can find the guidelines here

Did you know NENT has also made guidelines on animal research? As well as a Statement on research ethics and artificial intelligence.

Plagiarism: What is the problem and what can be done?

"Two high-level Norwegian politicians are under investigation by their alma maters for plagiarism in relation to their masters theses in cases that have attracted a frenzy of media attention and have ignited heated debate over the way universities handle plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty", says in a current article.

The news website is referring to Sandra Borch, who left her position as minister of research and higher education when the news of her plagiarism was known to the public, and Ingvild Kjerkol who is still minister of health and care services. 

Director of The National Research Ethics Committees Helene Ingierd commented on the public debate and what can be done to avoid cases of plagiarism in the future. 

“Overall, I think these [current] cases emphasise the need for awareness and knowledge of research ethical norms such as honesty, collegiality and accountability.

“Whereas it is important to focus on the need to build good systems to deal with possible fraud and misconduct, I also see the need to work even harder to promote a good research culture at the institutions”, Ingierd said.

Read the full article: Ministerial plagiarism cases spark heated public debate (